
Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense

  • April 2024
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  • Papa Benedict XVI :

    "Aratati-mi doar ce Muhammad a adus nou si o sa gasesti numai lucruri rele si inumane, asa ca el comanda sa imprastie sabii pentru lupta el predica." (Quoting 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos)
  • Regina Margareta a Danemarcii:

    "Noi am fost provocati de islam acesti ani. Gloal ca si local. Este o provocare pe care trebuie sa o luam in serios. Noi am permis sa lasam aceasta problema sa pluteasca prea mult timp pentru ca suntem prea toleranti si lenesi. Noi trebuie sa aratam opozitia noastra islamului si noi avem acum o perioada riscanta, hotarata, etichetata pusa pe noi pentru ca acolo cateva lucruri pentru care noi trebuie sa ne expunem si sa nu toleram. Si cand noi suntem toleranti, noi trebuie sa stim sa infrunteam pentru convenienta ((pentru ca e usor) sau convingere (pentru ca noi sa ne convingem)."
  • Regele Ibn Saud, Arabia Saudita

    “Verily, the word of Allah teaches us, and we implicitly believe it, that for a Muslim to KILL A JEW, or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of Allah.” (1937) -Foarte, lumea lui Allah ne invata pe noi, si noi implicit credem, asta pentru musulmani sa UCIDA UN EVREU, sau pentru el sa fie ucis de un evreu, ii asigura lui imediat intrarea in Rai si intrarea in august in prezemta lui Allah (1937)- “The Democratic system that is predominant in the world is not a suitable system for the peoples of our region…….The system of free election is NOT suitable to our country.” -Sistimul democratie este predominant in lume nu este un sistem potrivit pentru lumea din regiunea noastra. Sistemul de alegeri libere nu este potrivit pentru tara noastra-
  • Profetul Muhamed spune :

    ”No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir” (infidel) - "Nu musulmani trebuie sa fie ucisi pentru uciderea kafirului (infidelitatii)" Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 9:50 ... “Daca musulmanii delibereaza crima, alti musulmani cad sub legea vendeta si trebuie legal sa fie pusi la moarte de rudele apropiate. Dar daca un nemusulman care moare in mainile musulmanilor trebuie oproape toata viata sa fie de obicei nemusulman, penaltiul cu moartea nu este valid. In loc ca musulmanii sa fie criminali, artrebui sa plateasca cu bine si trebuies pedepsiti cu bicuire ... De cand islamul a considerat nemusulmanii ca pe un nivel micsorat al credintei si convigerii, daca un musulman ucide un nemusulman atuci pedeapsa lui trebuie sa nu fie una cu moartea, de cand lupta si convingerea care o poseda el este mareata atungi asta este de la barbatul nimicilor … Islam si poporul sa fie pe deasupra infideli si niciodata sa nu permita nemusulmanilor sa dobandeasca barea Domnului pentru ei.” — Sultanhussein Tabandeh, A Muslim Commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, F. J. Goulding, translator, London, 1970.
  • Mustafa Kemal Ataturk:

    “Turcii sint o natiune buna chiar dinainte ca ei sa adopte islamul. Adeasta religie nu ajuta arabii, iranienii, egiptenii si altele sa uneasca cu turcii intr-o natiune. Transformarea a stabilit turcii in relatiile nationale; a amortit nationalitatea turceasca sentimental si entuziasmal. Acesta a fost natural pentru Mohamedaism care a fost bazat pe nationalism inaintea tuturor nationalitatilor” 1930s Primul Ministru turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “Minaretii sint sabiile noastre, soarte sint vindecarea, moscheele sint casele noastre, credinciosii sint soldatii nostrii. 1999
  • Ce Spune Musulmanii ‘Moderat’ :

    Profesorul M A din indonezia Universitatea islamica Syarif Hidayatullah: “Este adevarat ca acolo este certitudine islamica perceputa care nu este compatibila cu drepturile omului universale” In islamic Malaezia “moderat”: numai musulmanii sunt ca cetatenii malaezieni. Noiembrie 2007: Profesorul malaezian Mohamed Hashim Kamali, in Maldive pentru ca a sfatuit in amendamentul din constitutie, a spus clar ca idea ca ‘nimenii nu poate fi cetatean Maldivian, cu exceptia musulmanilor’ este 100% islamic.
  • [EX-Algerian President] Houari Boumedienne :

    In 1974 spoke before the General Assembly of the United Nations : "One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women." -In 1974, a vorbit Generalul Assembly al Natiunilor Unite: "O data milioane de barbati vor pleca din emisfera sudica a planetei sa explodeze in emisfera nordica. Dar nu ca prieteni. Pentru ca ei vor exploda ca sa cucereasca, si ei vor cuceri inmultindu-se cu copii lor. Victoria va veni la noi din pantecele femeilor noastre-
  • More Quotations from Prominent Muslims :

    Curtea suprema a Pakistanului, Muhammad Taqi Usmani : “Musulmanii trebuie sa traiasca LINISTITI in tari ca Marea Britanie, unde lor le trebuie libertate sa practice islamismul, NUMAI pana cand castiga destula putere sa se angreneze in lupta. Jihadul (agresiv) este legal si permisibil impotriva nemusulmanilor din tarile generoase care au permis predica islamului. Chiar in aceste zile (de Muhamad) AGRESIUNE JIHADULUI ESTE AMENTITATA … pentru ca a fost SINCER COMANDATA PENTRU STABILITATE SI GRANDOARE DE RELIGIA LUI ALLAH.” Saudi cleric, Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan : “There are no, neither will be, any liberal muslims. When there are muslims hoping for liberal islam, they can forget it. Liberal islam goes against the will of allah”

Muslims Leaving Islam


They wished that you disbelieve, as they have disbelieved, so that you will all be alike. Do not, take any compamnions from them, until they emigrate in the way of Allah. Then should they turn back (meaning: apostized), seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and do not take from them any companion or supporter (Quran, Chapter 4: 89)But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges (ie apostaize) after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief — Lo! they have no binding oaths in order that they may desist. (Quran, Chapter 9:11,12)

After the Qur’an we turn to the Hadith. This is the command of the Prophet:
‘Any person (i.e., Muslim) who has changed his religion, kill him’ or :’baddala deenahu, faqtuhulu’ [This tradition has been narrated by Abu Bakr, Uthman, Ali, Muadh ibn Jabal, Abu Musa Ashari, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Khalid ibn Walid and a number of other Companions, and is found in all the authentic Hadith collections: Bukhari vol. 9, bk. 84, no. 57, the most famous of them all.]

  FASTEST GROWING RELIGION ?  Sheikh Ahmed al-Qataani on AL Jazeera : “(In AFRICA alone) There are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity …”



    Ehsan Jami (photo above), Iranian-born, leader of DUTCH ex-Muslim group.(Group now disbanded for fear of death threaths upon members.


EX Muslims GREAT BRITAIN : at least 200,000 Muslim apostates in Britain, EX Muslims AUSTRIA, EX Muslims Scandinavia,

  AFGHANISTAN: Abdul Rahman was sentenced to death for leaving Islam, saved by campaign in the West

BRITAIN: 200.000 apostates in Britain live in fear, their former friends now want to kill them. VIDEO: Being an Apostate in Britain, Sept 2007 ttp://

  EGYPT: Ahmed Hegazy (arrested, tortured for leaving Islam, court forbade him to leave  Islam, now hiding due to death threaths)

Fatwa from al-Azhar, the Egyptian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs is about an Egyptian man turned apostate and the subsequent punishment prescribed for him : “This man has committed apostasy; he must be given a chance to repent and if he does not then he must be killed according to Shariah. As far as his children are concerned, as long as they are children they are considered Muslim, but after they reach the age of puberty, then if they remain with Islam they are Muslim, but if they leave Islam and they do not repent they must be killed and Allah knows best.



April 08, Mohammad Abbad, 40, together with wife fled Jordan after Muslims violently attacked him and his 10-year-old son in their home and his father sued him on charges of apostasy. HE may lose legal custody of his children and have his marriage annulled if found guilty of “apostasy.” PHOTO : wounded and chained to his hospital bed. June 08 : By leaving Islam, ‘apostate’ loses right because he ‘has no creed.’ Jordanian Court annulled Mohammad Abbad’s marriage !


Hasnah (villified for leaving Islam but lives in US, so is save from Islamic intimidation),

Kamariah Ali – TWICE imprisoned for leaving Islam,

Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah (a Chinese former convert to Islam who tried to have her official status as “Muslim” removed was ordered to attend counseling) and  …

… the most famous Muslim apostate  :  LINA JOY sued the state for not allowing her to leave Islam. Now facing death threaths & in hiding. She lost her case and had to seek asylum because as a ‘Muslim,’ she is not allowed to marry or register her marriage to a non-Muslim, her children will be autpmatically considered Muslim and her children will be obliged to attend a Muslim school .

May 2007:  see YOUTUBE Muslim NGOs wait anxiously for the Lina Joy outcome  : And when the decision that Lina canNOT leave Islam was announced, they shouted :   “ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR! Subhanallah! Alhamdulillah! Wallahu Akbar! La haula wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azhim!”

And now even her lawyer had to fight for his life : ”The message that came with the photo was no less clear: “This is the face of the traitorous lawyer to Islam who supports the Lina Joy apostasy case. Distribute to our friends so they can recognize this traitor. If you find him dead by the side of the road, do not help.””,-fighting-for-her-life-and-religious-freedom-7065.html

Revathi Masoosai, held at an Islamic rehabilitation center for six months [to make her return to Islam] because she tried to live as a Hindu, insisted she will never return to her original faith (Islam)

Persecution on Ex-Muslim Christians in Malaysia – CBN Report

PAKISTAN: Ghulan Esther (disowned by family for leaving Islam, wrote book), Bilquis Sheikh (family plotted to kill her for leaving Islam and writing a book about it).

SUDAN: Damare, a young slave boy, had his knees and feet nailed to a board and was left to die – just for attending a church service. Miraculously he survived and told The Voice of the Martyrs that he forgave his cruel tormenter, because Jesus was nailed and forgave him.×250-flash_9.html

16 Responses to “Muslims Leaving Islam”

  1. Muslim said

    12. Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984.
    An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, which war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam?

    13. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe.
    Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe in Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers?

    14. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson.
    Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, “People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born”.

    • antikafirphobia said

      Do you not deny the abovementioned article that there is no freedom of religion in Islam for Muslims ?

      IF Islam is the fastest growing religion, it is because Muslim women breed more jihadis and Muslims are not allowed to leave Islam. Then there is taqqiya (lying for Islam), of course, to entice non-Muslims in the West to enter Islam. One of them is by marriage.

  2. TruthPy said

    RE: Muslim Spus (the person above). Islam is in fast demise. It’s not doing that well at all.

    12. Islam is increasing due to high birth rates amongs Muslim families, not new converts. The are more likey to have more children than Christians and the Atheists especially in the West. In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size). This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year. CIA FactBook.

    13. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe? Really? Odd because Pakistani-born American Muslim Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus (1932 – 2007) researched that 75% of new Muslim Converts in the US leave Islam within a few years.

    14. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson.? Who is he? The following excerpts are from The Mosque Exposed by Sam Solomon, a former imam and Islamic lawyer who converted to Christianity and is now residing in the UK, and E. Alamaqdisi, a prolific writer and debater, and a regular contributor to many Internet sites on the complex subject of Islam and its teachings. They also wrote Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?
    Who said: Despite the overtly cruel, harsh and intolerant Qur’anic views towards the ‘others,’ namely Jews and Christians, there are injunctions in the Qur’an that enable the Islamic community to disguise, play down, and, when necessary, deny both the intensity and validity of these anti-Semitic and anti-Christian teachings of its religious system.

    Truth prevails and Islam is not prevailing. No surprise there.

  3. IAm Allah said

    islam is only the fastest growing because of mass immigration.
    personally i know many people who left islam in the last 2 years, including myself…
    wake up muslims, muhammad was a terrorist…

  4. MLKG said

    l’islam na rien avoir avec la violence .é si vous lisé la bible des créthien vous trouvé qu’il faut tué les gens qui quite le crithianisme ,donc vous ne connaisé pas ditou votre religion.
    l’islam les paix l’amour é plein de chose é vous pouvez aussi vérifié combien ya t’il de converti a l’silam
    vive l’islam é pour tjr

    • mdr22315 said

      No where in the Bible does it say to kill apostates, you lie. Islam is not peace and the teachings of Muhammad prove it is a cult of violence. The Quran is a war manual on how to rape, murder, steal, commit pedophilia, and most of all LIE. The world is waking up to you muslims and your lies….this is why muslims are leaving Islam.

    • Sarah said

      Non c’est pas pas vrai . j’ai fait 20 ans d’etudes religieuses et il fair l’avouer que Islam dit qil faut tuer les apostates mais en chretienisme il faut seulement n’en plus parler. Moi je prefere humanism

    • perceptor1 said

      L’islam veut dire la soumission…l’esclavage de l’esprit au nonsens.

      Vous acquirez l’islam en répétant des bêtises des milliers de fois.

      Sans violence, l’islam serait terminé.

      L’apostasie est punie par la mort.

      L’islam s’exalte dans la violence. Seuls les hommes de violence reçoivent la garantie du paradis sexuel.

      Violence et sexualité dégradée…islam.

    • Massinissa said

      Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam divides the world into two camps: dar el islam ( the adobe of islam) and dar el harb ( the adobe of war).

  5. muhammad atique said

    you are lier .islam is the super fastest religion in the universe

  6. mélanie321 said

    Mon cher Mlkg,

    Comme la plupart des Musulmans, vous fabriquez vos propres faits.

    Et dans les textes source islamiques et dans l’histoire des ‘compagnons’ du supposé prophète, on trouve une rivière de violence et de sang. Ce n’est pas par accident. Le Koran, le Sira et les Ahadith DÉBORDENT de violence et d’appels de violence contre ceux qui résistent à la conquête islamique.

    Tina Magaard, un chercheur danois, a analysé les textes d’origine de dix fois différentes. Elle a conclu que les textes islamiques encouragement de terreur et violence à un degré supérieur aux autres religions.

    « Il est incontestable que les textes islamiques encouragent la terreur et la violence. Par conséquent, il est raisonnable de demander aux Musulmans comment il s’approchent au texte, s’ils le lisent tel quel. » a-t-elle déclaré.

    Le déni simpliste que la violence est intrinsèque dans l’Islam est juste un tour magique qu’utilisent les Musulmans pour éviter la seule conclusion possible: Mohamet le chef de guerre barbare du 7e siècle est la source de la violence islamiste actuelle.

  7. Rickk said

    Islam is this (Satanism,Terrorism,Jihad,War,Violence,Isolation,Kamikaze Attack,Fight,Hatred,Pedophile etc,Book of Murder Koran calling to become a Terrorist to war for Jihad to kill all Non-muslims in the name of Satan Allah.

    Islam have the most negative growth,because every year 38,000,000 Muslims Leave Islam,Truth Religion of God Christianity is the most fastest growth religion in the world because every year more 37,000,000 people converts to Christianity ,every day 110,000 people converts to Christianity.

    In Europe today they are 2% Muslims but for 5 to 10 years in Europe will be 0.2% Muslims because every year 780,000 muslims leave islam and they converts to Christianity to the truth faith,in Europe before some years 15% of Muslims leave Islam 2,800,000 people , in US they are 0.7% Muslims and every year 100,000 muslims leave Islam and from they 30,000 converts to christianity , in US 85% of new Muslims leave Islam for 5 month.

  8. jake said

    Someone forgets.Christianity will continue to grow long after Islam has started to decline.This is because of Africa.In the next 40 years Africa will be home to 25% of the worlds population and 70% of africans will be christians.The tid against Islam which was once the dominat religion started in Ethiopia wihch once more has a christian majority has spread to West Africa,once a center of islamic civilisation and 6 million MUSLIM people in Africa are converting to christianity every year in Africa.At that rate there may be no muslims left OUTSIDE North Africa

  9. Sarah said

    Only one of the Muslims I know really believes. All the others are cultural only. And they are lovely people with small families. Don’t hassle them. But fight for those who want to change what they got given at birth . Let people believe what makes sense to them. Peace
    Read about the total fertility rate of Muslim countries… Going down as fast as ours did. We are not so different…

  10. ashruf al mugaiher said

    Islam made a history of killing millions of Hindus in Pakisthan, Bangladesh and Kashmir for want of spreading Islam and to Islamize India… Such a terrorist political activity is Islam … I saw majority of muslims [Including my self] in india are poor, lazy, dirty, disorganized, violent, intolerant..etcc. they will never be peaceful

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