
Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense

  • April 2008
    M T W T F S S
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  • Papa Benedict XVI :

    "Aratati-mi doar ce Muhammad a adus nou si o sa gasesti numai lucruri rele si inumane, asa ca el comanda sa imprastie sabii pentru lupta el predica." (Quoting 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos)
  • Regina Margareta a Danemarcii:

    "Noi am fost provocati de islam acesti ani. Gloal ca si local. Este o provocare pe care trebuie sa o luam in serios. Noi am permis sa lasam aceasta problema sa pluteasca prea mult timp pentru ca suntem prea toleranti si lenesi. Noi trebuie sa aratam opozitia noastra islamului si noi avem acum o perioada riscanta, hotarata, etichetata pusa pe noi pentru ca acolo cateva lucruri pentru care noi trebuie sa ne expunem si sa nu toleram. Si cand noi suntem toleranti, noi trebuie sa stim sa infrunteam pentru convenienta ((pentru ca e usor) sau convingere (pentru ca noi sa ne convingem)."
  • Regele Ibn Saud, Arabia Saudita

    “Verily, the word of Allah teaches us, and we implicitly believe it, that for a Muslim to KILL A JEW, or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of Allah.” (1937) -Foarte, lumea lui Allah ne invata pe noi, si noi implicit credem, asta pentru musulmani sa UCIDA UN EVREU, sau pentru el sa fie ucis de un evreu, ii asigura lui imediat intrarea in Rai si intrarea in august in prezemta lui Allah (1937)- “The Democratic system that is predominant in the world is not a suitable system for the peoples of our region…….The system of free election is NOT suitable to our country.” -Sistimul democratie este predominant in lume nu este un sistem potrivit pentru lumea din regiunea noastra. Sistemul de alegeri libere nu este potrivit pentru tara noastra-
  • Profetul Muhamed spune :

    ”No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir” (infidel) - "Nu musulmani trebuie sa fie ucisi pentru uciderea kafirului (infidelitatii)" Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 9:50 ... “Daca musulmanii delibereaza crima, alti musulmani cad sub legea vendeta si trebuie legal sa fie pusi la moarte de rudele apropiate. Dar daca un nemusulman care moare in mainile musulmanilor trebuie oproape toata viata sa fie de obicei nemusulman, penaltiul cu moartea nu este valid. In loc ca musulmanii sa fie criminali, artrebui sa plateasca cu bine si trebuies pedepsiti cu bicuire ... De cand islamul a considerat nemusulmanii ca pe un nivel micsorat al credintei si convigerii, daca un musulman ucide un nemusulman atuci pedeapsa lui trebuie sa nu fie una cu moartea, de cand lupta si convingerea care o poseda el este mareata atungi asta este de la barbatul nimicilor … Islam si poporul sa fie pe deasupra infideli si niciodata sa nu permita nemusulmanilor sa dobandeasca barea Domnului pentru ei.” — Sultanhussein Tabandeh, A Muslim Commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, F. J. Goulding, translator, London, 1970.
  • Mustafa Kemal Ataturk:

    “Turcii sint o natiune buna chiar dinainte ca ei sa adopte islamul. Adeasta religie nu ajuta arabii, iranienii, egiptenii si altele sa uneasca cu turcii intr-o natiune. Transformarea a stabilit turcii in relatiile nationale; a amortit nationalitatea turceasca sentimental si entuziasmal. Acesta a fost natural pentru Mohamedaism care a fost bazat pe nationalism inaintea tuturor nationalitatilor” 1930s Primul Ministru turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “Minaretii sint sabiile noastre, soarte sint vindecarea, moscheele sint casele noastre, credinciosii sint soldatii nostrii. 1999
  • Ce Spune Musulmanii ‘Moderat’ :

    Profesorul M A din indonezia Universitatea islamica Syarif Hidayatullah: “Este adevarat ca acolo este certitudine islamica perceputa care nu este compatibila cu drepturile omului universale” In islamic Malaezia “moderat”: numai musulmanii sunt ca cetatenii malaezieni. Noiembrie 2007: Profesorul malaezian Mohamed Hashim Kamali, in Maldive pentru ca a sfatuit in amendamentul din constitutie, a spus clar ca idea ca ‘nimenii nu poate fi cetatean Maldivian, cu exceptia musulmanilor’ este 100% islamic.
  • [EX-Algerian President] Houari Boumedienne :

    In 1974 spoke before the General Assembly of the United Nations : "One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women." -In 1974, a vorbit Generalul Assembly al Natiunilor Unite: "O data milioane de barbati vor pleca din emisfera sudica a planetei sa explodeze in emisfera nordica. Dar nu ca prieteni. Pentru ca ei vor exploda ca sa cucereasca, si ei vor cuceri inmultindu-se cu copii lor. Victoria va veni la noi din pantecele femeilor noastre-
  • More Quotations from Prominent Muslims :

    Curtea suprema a Pakistanului, Muhammad Taqi Usmani : “Musulmanii trebuie sa traiasca LINISTITI in tari ca Marea Britanie, unde lor le trebuie libertate sa practice islamismul, NUMAI pana cand castiga destula putere sa se angreneze in lupta. Jihadul (agresiv) este legal si permisibil impotriva nemusulmanilor din tarile generoase care au permis predica islamului. Chiar in aceste zile (de Muhamad) AGRESIUNE JIHADULUI ESTE AMENTITATA … pentru ca a fost SINCER COMANDATA PENTRU STABILITATE SI GRANDOARE DE RELIGIA LUI ALLAH.” Saudi cleric, Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan : “There are no, neither will be, any liberal muslims. When there are muslims hoping for liberal islam, they can forget it. Liberal islam goes against the will of allah”

FITNA: Muslims Show How Peaceful Islam is !

Posted by antikafirphobia on April 1, 2008

Watch the VIDEO here !

INDONESIA, 31 Mar 2008: “I call on Muslims around the world, if you run into the maker of the film, kill him,” said one of the speakers at the rally, Awit Mashuri. “Geert Wilders is a Christian terrorist,” declared a placard held up by a protester. “Kill Geert Wilders,” read another.

“The CORRECT SHARIA response is to cut (off) his head and let him follow his predecessor, van Gogh, to hell,” a member of Al-Ekhlaas wrote on the al-Qaeda affiliated forum.

28 March, “ was left with no other choice but to
remove the film “fitna” from our servers following serious threats to our staff and their families. Since that time we have worked constantly on upgrading all security measures thus offering better protection for our staff and families. With these measures in place we have decided to once more make this video live on our site. .. when you run a website you don’t consider that some people would be insecure enough to threaten our lives simply because they do not like the content of a video we neither produced nor endorsed but merely hosted.”

21 March, Afghanistan Afghans burn a Netherlands flag during a protest in Kabul. Some 5,000 Afghans chanted ‘death to Denmark and ‘death to the Netherlands’ in the capital Kabul on Friday, protesting the reprinting of a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad in Danish newspapers and a Dutch film on the Koran.

30 Mar 2008, Malaysia : Mahathir was quoted as saying “If Muslims unite, it will be easy to take action.” If we boycott Dutch products, they will have to close down their businesses.”

[Maybe the Dutch shld consider BOYCOTTING Malaysia’s export & pull out their investment, much needed in Malaysia]

AND of course, the Western Dhimmies BOW to Muslims’ intimidation :

AUSTRALIA has condemned the film, with the foreign minister calling it “highly offensive.” [WHICH BIT?] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith rejects the film’s premise of equating Islam with acts of terror and violence and says it is an attempt to incite racial hatred. [WHICH BIT? Is Islam a race ?] and The EU and the UN secretary general condemned the film

What they [Dhimmies] FORGET:

1) There has not been ONE denial or rejection from Muslims of the quotes from the Quran verses – accused as the motivation of Islamic terrorists attacks- mentioned in the  film.

2) Therefore, the equation of Islam with violence does NOT come from Wilders himself, but from the [QURAN & the] Muslims he featured in his film.

3) It is rare to hear the EU [or any western government] denouncing ongoing terrorism done in the name of Islam by jihadis, whether it is in Afghanistan, Thailand, Philippines, or Israel. Where are the calls for tolerance when the jihadis are busy blowing up schools, businesses, rioting, and otherwise seeking to kill non-Muslims and those who are not strict adherents to their brand of Islam?

Robert Spencer : “Mind you, the EU has never, ever said anything like that regarding attacks on Christianity. The point is not just the double standard; it is that they are allowing violent intimidation to succeed, and that will only lead to more violent intimidation.”

AND What Geert MISSED in His Film are the THREE Most Important Teachings of Islam contained in the Quran:

9:5 – extermination of all non believers i.e. Infidels,
9:29 extermination of all Christians and Jews and
9:111 – those Muslims who kill and are killed performing 9:5 and 9:29 will ascend to paradise filled with full breasted, lustrous eyed virgins to sexually molest for all eternity.
Therefore, the 9/11 is Koran’s 9:111.

Mein Koran: New cartoons in honor of Wilders’ ‘Quran Film’

55% of Arabs surveyed believe offensive words or actions (cartoons?) justify violence : the other 45% clearly have not read the Quran yet.

2 Responses to “FITNA: Muslims Show How Peaceful Islam is !”

  1. charlemagne said

    We have power. Make a search on water crisis and food.

    (Don’t think of running away as an option. Evil is spreading all over the globe.)

  2. catalina said

    toti musulmanii sintem frati.trebuie mereu sa fim uniti

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